Monday, August 23, 2010

iHeart Faces: Beach Fun Photo Challenge

My kids love the Jersey Shore. They always have such a great time, swimming, playing in the sand and just plain ol' horsing around. In this picture, George surprises Sophia with a bucket of cold ocean water.


  1. Ohhh the Jersey Shore! I've never been there, but I used to live in S. Florida, and many of my friends were from there. Wonderful shot! :-)

  2. Great photo! We were just at the beach this weekend so that photo reminds me of all the fun we had. Thanks for commenting and stopping by TVs Take.

  3. Just the beach makes me smile...I could care less where as long as the waves are gently splashing!

  4. That's a fantastic photo...I remember how much I loved the beach when I was a kid :)

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    Ten Talents...

  5. hehe.... leave it to a boy...1 boy+1 bucket= surprise! (: btw... simply beautiful children...beautiful!!


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