Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Story of my Header

I never had newborn pictures taken, well not professionally. We always just used the service that comes around in the hospital and offers to takes pictures of your newborn and with that, you get what you get. Sometimes you get a photographer or once we got a nice little retired woman, who was looking like she needed something to do. So, when I had connected with an amazing, long-lost, college friend through Facebook, and she offered to come take pictures of John shortly after birth, I jumped at the chance. The pictures turned out amazing and are such a great way to remember that special time in his life and ours. The birth of our third child was just as amazing as the first and with these pictures I will always remember when he was so small, and new, and precious. I will never find an appropriate way to thank her. But out of these beautiful pictures came the "feet" picture I use for my header.

I love this quote which is so fitting for all of my children,
"Having children is like making the decision to have your heart forever go walking around outside of your body."~Elizabeth Stone


  1. Beautiful pics and I've always loved that quote. I'm looking forward to watching my heart walking around outside my body one day.

  2. Cute little story about the header pic ... I love little baby feet too -- there's is just something about those little toes!

    Come checkout my new blog and please submit a story if you've got one -- we'd love to hear from you and we can definitely include a link back to your site! Good luck!

  3. UUUggh, you did it and so early! But I'm glad you did because I was having a wacky kind of morning that was putting me in a funk.

    This quote - "Having children is like making the decision to have your heart forever go walking around outside of your body."~Elizabeth Stone - made my eyes water and my soul settle down.

    I absolutely love babies (not to mention my little monster). It's funny how when they are born people always say, "enjoy, they grow so fast"! and boy do they. My son 22 months and I miss those early times! Anyway, I am rambling, but again thank you and thank you for stopping by my house!

    Have a good day.

  4. Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing them.


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