Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Growing by Leaps and Bounds

My little girl, my princess started her second year of Preschool today and it proved how much she has grown. Last year she went in, a little bit unsure of her self, but confident to be like her big brother, going off to "my school" as she called it. And this year, she entered the building, confident of herself, a big girl now, growing up day by day minute by minute, my little Tomboy. She is all about pink, princesses, skirts and bows on the outside but on the inside, she could beat the biggest of kids, and even the boys. She can run with the best of them and out run most of them. She is highly confident and loves to be herself. She is happy, loving, independent and a complete ray of sunshine where ever she goes, a quality I hope she never forgets.

Sophia, last year on her first day of preschool.

Sophia, entering the same building this year.

Sophia all smiles on the first day.


  1. Oh! Look how much of the "babyness" disappeared. So girly! I will never get to buy a backpack like that for my boys. She is adorable!!!

  2. What a difference a year makes! That frilly princess backpack definitely disguises the "tomboy" in her :) I, too, hope she continues to be the "happy, loving, independent and complete ray of sunshine where ever she goes." Talk about making a mama proud!

  3. She has changed so much in one year! I hope to do the front door pix when my kiddos start school :)


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