Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ten tips for making this the Ultimate Holiday Season

The holidays are nipping at our heels and I am usually freaking out and in that last minute holiday rush trying to make sure I got everything on my list, purchased, wrapped, baked and decorated. But this year, I have slowed down, tried to breath and remember what is truly important this holiday season. Here are my ten tips for making this the Ultimate Holiday Season.

10. Relax. Take a deep breath and tackle the holidays in good spirit. Nothing like getting stressed about a holiday that is supposed to be fun and it's definitely not healthy.

9. If you have a family, do special holiday themed things with the kids. My kids love watching Christmas movies and doing holiday themed crafts. I'm not that craft so a lot of my ideas come from websites or books and we even try to check out the crafts at the library when time allows. Which leads me to the next two....

8. ...Along with the items listed above, the kids love baking, cookies of all kinds,rolling out the dough and helping mix the ingredients are a great way to spend time together on the holidays.

7. Decorate. Must of us decorate the tree and the front of the house. But don't forget the inside too. My kids love taking this time of year to make decorations, and hang them around the house.

6. Take time to connect with family. Send a card or make a quick phone call. Nothing like taking time to see how others are doing

5. Shop online. With three kids, I don't have time to run to the store all the time so online shopping has been my savior. If you search you can get great and even better deals then online. And nothing like beating the crowds and getting the shopping done from the comfort of your own home!

4. Shop early. It's always nice to shop early. I say I'll do this every year but it fails. Ultimately, I'd love to have a concrete list and most, if not all the gift purchased before Thanksgiving. That way I can enjoy the days leading up to Christmas with the family.

3. Take time for yourself. The hustle and bustle is not worth it if you don't take time for yourself, get a pedicure or manicure...or both.

2. Give back. Of course we all love to get but nothing feels better than to give. A small gift, gift card or even baking cookies shares the holiday spirit with friends and family. My kids and I baked up a couple batches of cookies and we went around and handed them out. The kids were as exited to give the cookies, as I've ever seen.

1. Remember the holidays are really about family. Most people, especially children don't remember how much you spend or what you bought, but they will remember making cookies, or decorating the tree. Family is just as important now as ever and don't forget it's not about what's under the tree, it's about who you are sharing the holidays with.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Hasbro Ultimate Gifts blogging sweepstakes, making me eligible to get a $50 Gift card to use at! For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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